Monthly Archives: December 2013

Hello Iluka


The trip south wasn’t quite what we expected. We had left Brisbane to avoid inflated marina costs and thought we would poodle about the bay over Xmas but the weather indicated an earlier departure. We had a bit of calm around Peel Island and then the northerlies set in early, so we headed further south after a beach walk at Blekesly’. By the afternoon we were dropping anchor off Sth Stradebroke just between The Bedrooms and Jumpipin. (apart from the lunatic Gold Coast cruisers who don’t know their searoad rules, it’s lovely)

sunset near Jumpinpin
There were many campers onshore but with a short walk we were on huge sandy beaches gazing over the surfside. With a couple of days of favourable north winds Hans decided to head for Iluka the next morning. Quite different to the SEQld forecasts, each cove and bay along the NSW coast seems to have it’s own micro-climate. Balina was expecting southerlies in a day or two…It being 100 nautical miles from Southport Seaway we knew we had a 24hr non-stop run. 


due south near Mt Warning

due south near Mt Warning

The conditions were fabulous, at first, with a developing breeze and the East Coast current adding a couple of knots to our speed. We were making good time.

But the forecast was a day out with their predictions. The stronger gales set in, our speed was around 8knots, so our arrival time would have been at night on a dropping tide. (Most cruising sailors would shake their communal heads to that one.) Entering over a bar crossing is best on a rising tide in daylight, especially when the skipper has no local knowledge.

By the time we were off Evans Heads the wind strength was well over 25-30 knots, we had 2 meter waves and very turbulent swells.

Hans used his noggin and put the boat into a “heave to” with the jib backed and a sea anchor made of line and a fender, to slow us down. We were still doing 1-2 knots but it was slightly more comfortable with only the occasional big wave slap. Nevertheless, “she was a howlin like a pyscho-bitch”.

Yamba Iluka entrance to Clarence river

Yamba Iluka entrance to Clarence river

By early sun up and functioning on broken naps between 2hr watches we came in over the bar, safely. Needless to say our first day in Iluka was spent catching up on sleep. By Dec 24th we were ready for a bit of exploring, last minute shopping for the festive food and a serious couples of drinks!!




Iluka boat harbour, as calm as

Iluka boat harbour, as calm as


Posted by on December 27, 2013 in Uncategorized


The month that was.

Sailing to Brisbane: For the last time Burney threw out her trolling line, not expecting to be successful. Occasionally she gave the line a tug to feel if there was any added weight but nothing indicated any catch. In the meantime Hans noticed a familiar cruise boat roaring through and called up Ross on Dracomaris. They were on their last leg homeward bound. Just before entering the leads to the marina Burney pulled in the fishing line and there popped up a Spotted Mackerel. How long it had been there was an unknown but it had bled it’s self and was partially gutted so Hans was very pleased not to have any unsightly behavior occurring on his decks. At last Burney could notify Barry and Heather from TackZ Haven that the new gear worked, even if she didn’t!

We arrived in Manley at the East Coast Marina mid November. With much to organize, we hit the ground running. Passports and visas needed organizing for the planned flights to Vietnam, in January. Doctor’s appointments, vaccinations and dental check-ups were to be booked. Superannuation pension payment schemes needed to be dealt with, friends and family invited for dinner, drinks and visits. Hans was keen to have his friend Dave on-board to repair the engine mount situation and do a general service which turned our home into a very messy man’s shed. It all proved too much!! In one short week, our three months of fun and relaxation melted down. Warning: do not attempt to overachieve when still living onboard a small boat in harbour.

Campervan retreat

Campervan retreat

Bushwalking friends Ray and Dawn Glancy came to the rescue with their campervan. What a huge favor. After months of sea and shore birds, Burney needed a recharge on rainforest wonders. Both Hans and Burney went to Green Mt near O’Reilly’s for a couple of days. All the wildlife came to visit as usual. Cheeky Crimson Rosellas insisted on sharing our crackers with the sunset hour, pademelons grazed nearby, Brown Cuckoo Doves called overhead and even a Lyrebird jumped from branch to branch by the camper. It was the season for Monarchs and after a walk along the Wishing Tree track Burney wanted to sit and wait along the creek bed for any birds bathing in the midday. In short time, a Spectacled Monarch made its visit. Hans spotted a big White-headed Pigeon high in the canopy. It’s characteristic “Wha Hoo” birdcall low and resonating.

Crimson Rosella

Crimson Rosella

Brown Cuckoo Dove

Brown Cuckoo Dove

Wishing Tree walk

Wishing Tree walk

Camping buddy

Camping buddy
















No sooner back at the marina and Burney took off again. (This time for a longer stint and “on her tod”. ) Heading north west towards Kenilworth, the Charlie Moreland National Park proved a wonderland. Burney was delighted to have access to a deep creek to cool off in, shady forest tracks and birds galore. Her bird list topped 60 in no time with many sightings of Rifle Birds, Wompoe and Rose-crowned Fruit-doves. That was a place to revisit.



camp girlfriend

camp girlfriend

another  visitor

another visitor











Returning in time for a weekend away with the girlfriends Burney went to Noosaville while Hans started a week house-sitting in Lota. In both cases the expanse of our regular sized place of accommodation was a thing to rejoice in!! Burney was happy to spend the weekend just in the bedroom with en-suite and walk-in closets. Hans lazed in long baths, watched TV and played music on the deck sitting in a rocking chair. (Aren’t we pathetic?)



Coolum surf

Double Island Pt ladies weekend

Double Island Pt ladies weekend





Of course the festive season was upon us. Visits with family were also in the diary. Hans went with his brother Martin to Gatton for a couple of days to hang with his Mother and then whilst staying at a Lota, he cooked curry for all his girls (Burney included) and had time to play Santa with his grandson Leon.  Monica (Hans daughter) having moved to new digs in West End bbqed a lunch in her courtyard. Burney and Hans took the opportunity to enjoy the city by water and took the citycat from Monica’s place to Southbank. Had a Margarita at the biggest tequila bar in Brisbane with friends from Burney’s work then rode the ferry further along the river to Portside and dined at the Eat Street Markets. Yum!

Xmas 2013 1 Hans cooks curry










Last Saturday night was the Brisbane Bushwalkers Christmas dinner at Samford. It was the perfect opportunity to catch-up with at least a dozen old friends in one location and enjoy the delights of David Sydes culinary creations, once again.

156 (1)







Then it was a couple of days visiting Eric and Joyce at Flaxton near Mapleton. What a lovely corner of the world that is. Yellow-tailed Black Cockatoo nest and roost in a neighbouring tree, King Parrots visit regularly and their road which we wondered along,  meanders past forest and valley vistas.

Joyce and Eric Dec 2013

Joyce and Eric Dec 2013

Xmas 2013 White-headed Pigeon imm















Although we had planned to stay till Sat 21st Dec. our month expired on the 19th. 2 extra days was going to cost us an disproportionate amount of $$s. After a quick consultation and reorganizing the diary with friends, we did a final shop, watered up the boat and left on Thursday. Phew…

It’s wonderful to be back out on the water. The conditions are mild and there is hardly anyone out here.

We sailed to Peel Island and anchored in Lazaret Gutter tucked away from the south-easterlies. The moon was still quite full in a starry night and we shared the anchorage only with the turtles and leaping fishing. It was a very peaceful sleep. After a gentle start to the day, Hans had some fun hooning past Goat Island doing 7 knots and putting Brahminy on her ear while Burney tried to assist the gimble oven to create a reasonable chocolate cake. It may be the next new craze: “Chocolate ripple cake”.

Sitting just off Blaksley, Stradebrook Island, it was time to add a blog and organize recent photos whilst enjoying sea breezes, quite times and just the two of us again.


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Posted by on December 20, 2013 in Uncategorized